
Silver Rose Visit - Bandera, TX

St Stanislaus Catholic Church

Please join us to celebrate the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. If you wish to participate in the Silver Rose Rosary please arrive early as we will try to begin 45 minutes before the 11:30 AM Mass.

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2024 KonB Texas Hill Country Labor Day Weekend
to Sep 2

2024 KonB Texas Hill Country Labor Day Weekend

  • 175 Riverview Rd, Kerrville Texas USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Annual Texas KonB Hill Country Labor Day Weekend

Come Join us in Kerrville Texas for a weekend of riding. We will do rides both Saturday and Sunday during the day. Saturday evening we will attend Mass at Notre Dame Catholic Church in Kerrville. Come join us.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings we will enjoy fellowship and a cook out at the HTR Campground and Resort.

Ride Times and Meet up locations will be announced closer to the event.

There are several lodging options in Kerrville. The HTR resort offers cabins, tent and Rv sites and will be the hub for socializing after the rides.

There are also several hotels in Kerrville available.

Contact Steve Steele: for questions.

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Labor Day Weekend
to Sep 3

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend


KofC Fish Fry

Friday, September 1, 2023

5:30 PM 6:30 PM

St. Stanislaus Polish Catholic Church

602 7th St, Bandera, TX 78003

Saturday Ride

Bring lots of water and snacks as there isn’t a lot of options on the road.   For questions, call 8087213074.

Meeting place:

The Cross at Kerrville

520 Benson Dr, Kerrville, TX 78028

Kickstands up (ksu) 9 am. 

Arrive early if you want to check out the empty cross. 


Ride Map:


Alamo Springs Café

107 Alamo Rd, Fredericksburg, TX 78624


Rosary and Mass

Notre Dame Church

909 Main St Office, Kerrville, TX 78028

Pro Life Rosary at 4pm followed by Mass at 5 pm 

Sunday Ride

Bring lots of water and snacks as there isn’t a lot of options on the road.  

For questions, call 8087213074.

Meeting place:

Kerrville Walmart Parking Lot

1216 Junction Hwy, Kerrville, TX 78028

KSU at 9am


Bent Rim Grill

657 Ranch Rd 337 W, Leakey, TX 78873


Ride map:

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Veterans Day Ceremony for Cibolo-Schertz-Selma Area

Veterans Day Ceremony for Cibolo-Schertz-Selma Area

Please come out and attend this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony in Cibolo, TX.

The ceremony will be held on Friday, 11 November at 9:00 AM. Since the city of Cibolo is conducting maintenance on their Veteran’s Memorial, they will be hosting the recognition ceremony at the City of Cibolo Municipal Building, located at 200 South Main Street.

KonB will meet at 0830 in the southeast side of the Walmart parking lot (602 Cibolo Valley Drive). We will be kickstands up at 0840 for short ride to ceremony location. Informal KonB attire.

Also, consider joining us afterwards at the famous Harmon's BBQ located at 102 S Main Street. Doors open at 11:00 AM.

Vivat Jesus!


SK Will Clouse

Texas State Advocate, KonB

Chancellor, KofC Council 6358

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Lenten Retreat
to Apr 10

Lenten Retreat

On Palm Sunday weekend we plan on gathering again out at my place for our 2nd Annual Lenten Retreat. We will be doing a rosary, the stations, watching a video, having some spiritual discussions, attending mass and hopefully be able to get a guest speaker out. If you are interested please let me know. Below is the address and proposed schedule of events.

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St. Patrick's Day Parade

St. Patrick's Day Parade

We will be riding in the St. Patrick’s Day parade Saturday March 12, 2022, located downtown Houston. Knights of Columbus members in good standing that have a motorcycle are invited to join us so they can see all the fun we have as the Knights on Bikes. They do not have to be a member at the time of the ride. This is a great opportunity recruit new members and to show Galveston/ Houston that we have Catholic men dedicated to serve, protect, and defend in the spirit of patriotism, as we strive to become better individuals, husbands, fathers, son, neighbors.

If they are not a member of KonB or have not received their vest, then they can wear their council/assembly shirts to show they are KofC.

Please email me if you plan on attending as I need to provide a line up. Also send me a copy of your insurance card for your motorcycle which I have to provide the parade for each rider.

Vivat Jesus,

Jerome Wilson

POD Galveston/Houston


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Wreaths Across America

Additional information regarding the Wreaths Across America event.

We need manpower on December 17 at 10 AM to unload the trucks and when completed we will place wreaths on the prepaid grave specific gravesites. We are done no later than 5 PM and most start clearing out at 3.

You can sign up individually at the Assembly 2102 Website on the events page December 17 date. If you prefer to sign up as a group that can also be done but we do not want duplication.


The photo op day is December 18 where the public is invited to help place wreaths. If you cannot get off on Friday or if you wish to double up, you can participate with the crowd.

As of this morning we have 20,444 wreaths paid for (12.2%) and 146,556 wreaths to go.

Please find attached the form to sponsor a wreath. All checks are payable to Wreaths Across America a 501 C 3 corporation so your donation is tax deductible.


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Bike Knight

Bike Knight

Knights on Bikes Dallas will be hosting a Bike Knight (day) on Sunday Nov 14th at the Springlake Event Center. This is a family friendly event and encourage you to invite your family. Food will be provided by the officers of KonBikes Dallas!

We hope to see you there!

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2021 Nun Run

2021 Nun Run

The Nun Run brings the best of motorcycles and our community together to support Keeping Children Healthy through CHRISTUS School Clinics.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 | Registration opens: 8:00 a.m.

From St. Austin Center in the East End to Magnolia Gardens

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We Are Called - Knights of Columbus Retreat
to Oct 17

We Are Called - Knights of Columbus Retreat

Screen Shot 2021-09-25 at 10.05.29 PM.png

All are welcome to Bishop Flanagan’s 34th Annual KC Men’s Retreat. You are invited to join us and experience God’s Grace and Goodness. You will be provided with a calm and relaxing weekend in the beautiful Hill Country with many wonderful brothers, great music, great fishing, and wonderful food. Bring a friend, father, brother, or son.

Open to all men 15yrs or older; you do not have to be a Knight to attend.

When: Oct.15 - Oct.17, 2021

Starts: 7:30PM 10/15/2021

Ends: 11:30AM 10/17/2021

Where: Camp Tecaboca (Approximately 60 minutes from IH-10 West and 1604 )

What to Bring:

  • Bedroll/sheets & pillow

  • Blanket

  • Toiletries

  • Towels

  • Bible / Rosary

  • Comfortable Shoes

  • Camera (Fall Colors)

  • Musical instrument

  • Flashlight

  • Jeans/Jacket/ Shorts (Note: Tecaboca can be 10 degrees cooler than San Antonio)

  • Fishing tackle w big fish net (Catch and release, please!)

Spiritual Directors:

Director: SK Joshua Jones

Co-Director: SK Russell Williams


Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus San Antonio Chapter

In Mountain Home, Texas 1-1/2hr from San Antonio


View video invitation from Bishop Tom Flanagan

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